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Grad is Launching Children's Wear Company That Celebrates Diverse Cultures

Krystle Krueger, who was raised in Los Angeles and is currently living in North Hollywood, earned a Fashion Design degree from FIDM in 2015. After working in the industry since graduation, Krystle decided to strike out on her own as an entrepreneur. Her new children’s wear collection, Fashion Is Art, celebrates cultures from around the world via a country’s traditional clothing. We recently chatted with the alumna to learn more about her path to FIDM, favorite college memories, and the inspiration behind her brand. 

What was your path to FIDM? In high school I planned to run away to Italy, marry an Italian, and make wine all day! That didn't happen; instead I tried out photography school, but it never felt right. Finally, I knew it had to be fashion school and my parents knew it the whole time, too. Apparently when I was two, I used to dress myself and my mom refused to take me out of the house because I was wearing the most eccentric outfit a child could. Mixing stripes, plaids, and tie-dye, my mother was horrified, but my dad told her they had to let me be me, so when we finally got to the shoe store the employee there declared I would be a fashion designer and here I am!

How did you choose your campus and major? LA is my home and it's what I knew. I chose Fashion Design instead of the more business-like majors because I've always been an artist. I create. I just needed someone to teach me how and different aesthetics. I'd take care of the rest. 

What have you been up to since graduating? Right after graduating, I worked my way up to a design position and had my designs manufactured and sold locally and internationally. It was exciting, but I realized I didn't care for all the politics of working for someone else so I decided to start my own company.

Any favorite FIDM memories? I really enjoyed my time at FIDM. I went to almost all the FIDM events including the student activities. I loved checking out the Biltmore Hotel on a haunted tour around Halloween, but my favorite memory is having two articles published in FIDM MODE. I always wanted to be a writer among many other things and that was my recognition that I could do it. 

Tell us about your children's wear collection: My company, Fashion Is Art, creates children's clothing that allows them to explore the world through fashion. I educate children about other cultures through their traditional clothing. I take fashion from a particular country, design something that can be worn as regular and play clothes, and offer information and tools for the parents to help their children learn about a particular country, whether it be their own culture or something they are curious about. The benefits of learning about other cultures is a better understanding of the world and reducing stereotypes. I am currently building my own website at yourfashionisart.com and hope to launch my product by June of 2021. 

What is the inspiration behind your designs? Like anyone, I wanted to make a difference. I didn't want to just design children's clothing, I wanted to have a purpose, to help in some way. 

Anything else you'd like to share? I am an entrepreneur, wife, and a mother of an amazing two-year old named Lorelai. I do all this for her to show her that women can do anything! I cook, take care of the household, watch and educate my daughter, and run a small business. There is nothing women can't accomplish. But, for now I just want to get the word out about my business and to let people know that if they have any suggestions, comments, questions, or anything at all I'd love to hear from anyone. 

Follow Krystle on Instagram @yourfashionisart.

Categories:  Fashion Design Alumni